Crop Hail
Crop hail coverage provides protection against physical damage from hail and/or fire. Most hail policies include extended coverages like fire and lightning, vandalism and malicious mischief, and certain perils while in transit and storage at no additional cost to you.
How does it work?
A dollar amount of coverage is selected by the producer. Options with different deductibles may be selected to permit a producer to partially self-insure for reduced premium costs.
Crop hail coverage provides protection up to the actual value of your crop. Coverage is provided on an
acre-by-acre basis, so that damage that occurs on only part of a farm may be eligible for payment when the rest of the field remains unaffected.
If a grower has coverage and bumper crop yields or higher prices occur, coverage can be increased during the growing season to cover the value of the crop.
With our Fall Premium Payment Plan, you can buy the protection you need for your crops in the spring
while waiting until fall to pay the premium. A cash discount may also be available in your area for early
premium payment.
Extended Coverages
Crop Hail policy includes these extended coverages at no additional cost!
• Fire and lightning
• Vandalism, theft, and malicious mischief
• Certain perils while in transit and storage
Office Location:
725 N. 2nd Street - Suite H
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
888.742.2767 (toll free)
785.832.1647 (local)
785.832.1757 (fax)
Free No Obligation Crop Insurance Review
My team and I would love the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your risk management plan. Crop insurance can cost thousands, let us take a look at your current plan to ensure you have the best coverage for you investment.
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